Kennedy Learning Resources


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Tricia Kennedy is an experienced educational leader, with 37 years in public education, 26 of those in executive leadership at a large, diverse, award-winning district.

Consultation services based on leadership experience in:

Artifacts of Leadership

The following resources are artifacts of initiatives 

for which Mrs. Kennedy provided direct leadership.

Quality Plus Teaching Strategies

The Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies, originally developed by Gwinnett County Public Schools educators in 2006, identify the evidence-based pedagogical strategies supported by the district for use in every classroom.  Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies are strategies that lead to optimal student learning.  These strategies are based on the study of effective teaching, or pedagogy. When these sound pedagogical strategies are used in the classroom, they will address the needs of the learner and, therefore, be the most efficient and effective path to learning. 

Academic Knowledge and Skills Standards

Gwinnett’s curriculum for grades K–12 is called the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) and is aligned to the state-adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence in Language Arts (K-12), Mathematics (K-12), and literacy standards for Science, Social Studies, and Technical Education for middle and high school students. The Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) are in place for other content areas. Gwinnett’s AKS is a rigorous curriculum that prepares students for college and 21st century careers in a globally competitive future.

The AKS for each grade level spells out the essential concepts students are expected to know and skills they should acquire in that grade or subject. The AKS offers a solid base on which teachers build rich learning experiences. Teachers use curriculum guides, technology, and instructional resources to teach the AKS and to make sure every student is learning to his or her potential. 

eCLASS Digital Conversion Initiative

This multi-year initiative will provide digital tools that will expand the walls of the classroom, fostering collaboration and nurturing creativity and innovation in students and teachers. It also will ensure appropriate technological tools and resources that are part of students’ everyday, media-rich lives are incorporated into the school day, making learning real and relevant to a student population that has never known a world without sophisticated technology. What's more, this robust online environment will meet the evolving needs of students and staff, facilitating teaching and learning, enhancing communication, strengthening the link between school and home, and ensuring operational and analytical excellence in the day-to-day operations of the school system. 

Transformed eCLASS Classroom_Mar2021_FINAL-2.pdf

The Transformed Classroom Continuum

Technology can be a powerful tool when it comes to transforming teaching and learning. In Gwinnett County Public Schools, it is not enough to have technology in the classroom; we

want to make sure technology is being used appropriately and is enhancing the classroom experience. We have identified four levels that form a continuum when it comes to technology

use— from Beginning to Transformed. Read on to learn more about these levels and what the use of technology looks like in various classrooms.